Tuesday, July 12, 2011

It happens a trandom...

It happens at random…like today I was riding and thinking about starting to blog again…but what is the actual motive? What is driving factor…why should I post? Is there anybody actually interested in reading all this crap? Who has enough patience to extract some time out of the busy schedule like a pit stop in a Grand Prix and waste it in reading useless stuff? Something that is relevant to me and only me. Can the masses relate to all this…if even 10 percent of the people known to me can relate then I must deduce that it is worth it…but it is not so…then what should be the content? Or is it that my thoughts are not reaching the hoi polloi. To make it reach them all should I post it on the Facebook coz apparently everybody is there. But what happens is people who should read and suggest have no time and those who have time should not read nor comment except the exceptions of course who are very less in number and so I cannot grade my scribbling.
I take a left turn and now I am onto the highway and should concentrate on the road…but who cares…this is my daily travelled path…I know it…and it knows me…so let’s dig a bit deeper. What do we look for when we pick up to read something…love story…well I must share this at this very point that I was in Ajmer this weekend and at the Railway station Wheeler’s stall was looking for something that can be finished in 6 hrs. I am not that frequent a follower of books and journals so I asked the owner for some latest bestsellers. He said bhaiya sau rupaye wali dikhau ya fir fiction me…initially I thought what could be in that category if not fiction and guess what…love stories by Indian writers…like Chetan Bhagat, Tushar Raheja etc. fiction of course and there were fifteen of them. Though I am fond of reading love stories but not such cheap ones which come at the price of sau rupaya and at the rate of one every weekend. I want quality so this is what I should produce as well. Now what is good quality and what is not? Is it the use of rarest of rare words or the use of right figure of speech? Or the thought, the subject, the emotion or the sense of humor? Well it’s a blend of all. A prose is not written at one go. Many revisions and editions are done before something is actually ready. And I know so little literature that I can’t even think of reaching within 100 yard radius of the epicenter of conclusion.
I am in the office parking lot, reached just in time which is very rare of me, as I am fond of getting late…because this way I save some extra time from getting wasted. Overall what I believe is that there is uniqueness in my perception of things and I want them to flow through the minds of as many as possible…see you later.